As of 2022-08-12, I'm maintaining the following projects:
- libfuse, the reference implementation of FUSE, Linux' userpace filesystem interface.
The following projects are no longer maintained or used by me. I'm listing them here so interested people can still retrieve the code.
SSHFS, a filesystem that gives access to remote systems using just an SSH connection.
S3QL, a full featured UNIX file system for cloud data storage (Bitbucket repository, GitHub repository).
Python-LLFUSE, a set of Python bindings for the low-level FUSE API (Bitbucket repository, GitHub repository).
Dugong, a Python module for communicating with HTTP 1.1 servers (Bitbucket repository, GitHub repository).
The Roundup MsgFile extension for the roundup issue tracker changes the issue view to display attachments together with the messages they came with.
The Roundup TODO Template is a set of patches and plugins that configures roundup for usage as a personal todo list manager.